Drama pedagogy: Theatre as a pedagogical instrument



Using drama as a pedagogical tool

A theatre project is an excellent way to bring people together, unleash hidden talents, strengthen self-esteem and build community through a creative process. Ana, Triana and Sander share some of their observations and insights in this video which is about a yearly event called “Summer Theatre in Juelsminde”.

Using drama as a tool in social pedagogy


Drama Pedagogy: The 2020 Digital Summer Theatre event

This year, the event was held online in line with the current lockdown restrictions. This new reality opened up for new approaches to story-telling and community based performing arts.


Using drama as a pedagogical tool

​The Summer Theatre event is hosted by one of the learning centres where participants in the Pedagogy for Change programme do their training – Juelsminde Day School. This school has a long tradition of using drama as a pedagogical tool, harvesting many valuable experiences through practising and performing drama together.

Read more about Juelsminde Day School here.

Drama as a pedagogical tool in social pedagogy

“Tell me, and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand.” 

Old Native American Proverb


How to tackle intolerance

How to tackle intolerance

Being an active bystander means becoming aware that inappropriate or even threatening behaviour is going on and choosing to challenge it. Collective action is the way forward.

Mónica shares her experience

Mónica shares her experience

Mónica just finished the Pedagogy for Change programme and we asked her to share some of her considerations and main takeaways from her experience of practising and studying social pedagogy in Denmark.

Social Pedagogy in Denmark

Social Pedagogy in Denmark

Scandinavian social pedagogy is known for its holistic practice which combines “head, heart and hands” – theory, empathy, and practice. A core value is respecting the individual’s rights.

Learning through theatre

Learning through theatre

Theatre is an important pedagogical tool which provides an opportunity for us to explore realms and realities outside of the classroom, without having to travel.

Artful expression in pedagogy

Artful expression in pedagogy

Art is a pedagogical tool which provides an opportunity for everyone to work with open-ended solutions rather than striving for conventional error-free essays or science reports.